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Wednesday, August 07, 2019

A Better Commute - Breathing Space Blog

1. Keep your car in top shape. Take it in for servicing if you even suspect something is askew.

2. Join an automotive club. They pay for themselves after one tow.

3. Wean yourself of flicking on the radio the moment you step into the car, or of listening to shock talkers who offer little to your life. Instead...

4. Install a CD player to control your environment to and from work. Patronize your local library for lectures, plays, books, and music on CD.

5. Ride with the windows closed and the A/C on. You'll get the same MPG as otherwise, the ride will to be quieter, and you'll have more control of your immediate environment.

6. Keep spare car keys in your house and spare house keys hidden in a faithful "Hide-a-Key" compartment which magnetically attaches under the bumper.

7. Hide several quarters, key phone numbers, a pad, and a pen in your car.

8. During your ride, reflect on what you'd like to complete or how you'd like your day to go.

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Jeff Davidson, MBA, CMC, Executive Director -- Breathing Space Institute  © 2019
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