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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Overtime Can Kill - Breathing Space Blog

A study years back by a medical research council in the UK indicated that, of 7,000 healthy, middle-aged government employees over a 12 year study, those who reported working 11-hour days were 67% more likely to incur a heart attack than those who worked 7 to 8 hours. Those who worked 10-hour days were 45% more likely to incur a heart attack than more moderately-working peers.

While it is not certain precisely why excessive overtime harms the heart, unlike smoking, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, one's work habits are an indicator of heart health. Possibly, excessive overtime, in addition to lack of exercise, too much stress, too little sleep, unhealthy eating, or depression, contributes to an overall pattern of high risk for heart attack.

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